🌈 T H A N K πŸ’œ Y O U 🌈 – #TeamHamish merchandise 🌈

🌈 T H A N K πŸ’œ Y O U 🌈

… so much for all of your wonderfully kind messages and excitement about the SplashPad 😊 and all your support in purchasing #TeamHamish merchandise πŸ₯° … still available:

– COTTON MASKS (sapphire blue): Β£7

– BUFFS (black or white): Β£8

– HOODIES (plain or zipped): Adult Β£30, Children Β£20

– T-SHIRTS: Β£10 β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–

Please email order enquires to: teamhamishmerch@gmail.com

🌈 πŸ’œ 🌈