Short blog day 5
This morning everyone agreed we get in when we get in as we now expected it to be midnight and support crew were amazing to agree to that they look as shattered as we do with out the sore bums.
157 miles
Lockerbie to Kinlochleven
Temperatures today cooler lashing rain for the last 70 miles visibility not good on the hills
Cars passing you at silly places along Loch Lomand and the A82.
more friendly horns the further north we go
6000ft climbing headwind in some bits later on but a warm tailwind this morning helped
5 punctures well 1 and 4 tubes for Alan 🤫
No crashes just a car
A wee detour to the transport Museum to see Graham Graeme Obree ‘s old faithful for inspiration
complaining for miles about the state of Scottish roads and trying to find a smooth bit
11 hours in the saddle
More numb hands from vibrations
Food stops reduced to 5 mins for soup as it was blowing a hoolie at the side of the road
Dinner at 10pm curtesy of K&F
Ian driving ahead and putting our kit on our beds tonight was a nice touch as he realises today was tough in a different way for many with IT bands that are so wound tight guys are stopping half way up a climb to stretch and we are all now loosing track of what day the week it is so see you all Wednesday no wait Friday 🤦🏻♂️ Forcing food in when your body is saying no more but you have to.
Boost today having George follow us up and kept morale going cause you have to when he’s got a camera lense the size of a bazzoca pointed at you 😰
The guys are like a kid in a candy store with ibuprofen and sudacream 🤣
I still can’t catch Karl on the hills and today on the straight he was gone through Glencoe trying to generate some heat poor boy there’s no much of him but geez he’s fast. Someone is wandering about looking for his gloves he took of earlier today and Simeone has gone to shower and foam roll the bags under his eyes. Someone’s been snoring for the last hour. Haven’t seen two of them and haven’t heard any screaming so maybe they are getting the hang of massaging tight legs. Two of them talking to their wives saying yeah everything’s great so good to hear folk in the town all asking about them when actually it’s not been great for them they are in pain they’ve no felt before and they are tough guys.
The picture today kinda really sums us all up. There are hundreds of celebrating pictures of achievement but this to me is how it feels for all of us even Karl who we all think is amazing but he too said today he aches all over and it’s been the worst day so far.
Night all Lairg tomorrow night and going through Inverness sometime during the day.