In the build up to our LEJOG cycle for #teamhamish every week we will be posting profiles of each of the cyclists. Next up….
Name: Jason Robertson
Age: 30
Occupation: Offshore Service Leader for Halliburton
How’s training going for the big cycle: Full training started on the first week of January for me. I work 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off in Saudi Arabia, so during my 5 weeks away it has been all running and gym work due to not having a bike there. Since returning home at the start of February,Iv been trying to get on the bike when the weather allows and managed to clock up some decent miles. I’m feeling the fittest I have been for a long time, however I’m still very nervous for what’s coming our way in May.
Reasons for taking part in this challenge: I was aware of teamhamish and was desperate to help in some way. When Davie asked me if I’d like to be part of the team for LEJOG I instantly said yes. I’m proud to be part of this team and I’m very happy that collectively we can raise a lot of money for this fantastic local charity. The courage and positivity shown by this family through these difficult times is nothing short of inspirational.
What are you looking forward to on the cycle: Strangely enough, I am most looking forward to the challenge itself. Most people do LEJOG over 10-14 days, we are doing it in just 7 covering roughly 150 miles a day. Iv done multi day cycles before but nothing on this scale, everybody will be pushing body and mind to the limits daily. Most of all, I’m looking forward to riding into John Ogroats with my team mates, cracking open the champagne to celebrate a journey that we will remember for the rest of our lives.
What are you least looking forward to on the cycle: Least looking forward to “THE HILLS” and there’s a lot of them!! Also saddle sores, cramps, back pain and lack of sleep to name a few! 😫
Thanks for reading.
Jason 🚵🏼♀️
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