REVCT Rainbow ride concert – #TeamHamish

This is absolutely incredible, a phenomenal 🌟£4059.26 🌟was raised at a fantastic event last night, as TeamHamish we would like to say THANK YOU to all involved with a special mention to Davy Nicol.


🌟💙🌈 Nairn well and truly rocked last night…🌈💙🌟


REVCT Rainbow ride concert

Its the day after the night before, and I hope everybody had a great time, thanks for coming!!!
The preliminary figure raised for #TeamHamish is a fantastic £4059.26 this whole amount will be added to our final Lands End To John O Groats cycle fundraising total.

Now it’s time to say our thanks, and it’s a long list so firstly
To the amazing Scooty and the Skyhooks, you guys were fantastic, and as usual had the dance floor jumping, To have played this gig for free was an awesome gesture of kindness, So firstly Thanks you guys
And thanks to our local star in the making Sasha B for getting the party started, you have an awesome talent
It would have been impossible to do without the North of Scotland Marquees, for suppling and erecting the marquee the flooring and tables and seating again all for free, what an awesome bunch of guys and I will see you all tomorrow for the taking down of the venue.

Limelight’s entertainment who as with the rest had no hesitation in suppling all the sound stage lighting and generator when asked for no cost, willing to help with no conditions 😃
The Banstand Bar for suppling the Bar and a full keg of real ale, Gordy appears as if by magic exactly when needed and we had a bar, so don’t forget to go to the 10th annual beer festival this year on the 3rd of May.
To all the bar staff who gave up their time for free to keep everybody be well served, and then went on to continue their night till the small hours helping with the clean up or working in the playhouse, Thanks to Craig from the playhouse for helping organise the alcohol order suppling some staff and for letting the party continue for free at the playhouse, you sir are a ⭐️
To Sam and Susan Hey for coming along and showing their support for all our efforts 🌈
To Lynne at Nairn insurance for suppling the public and employment liability insurance, and paying for it.

To the little red box for keeping us all well fed, with burgers and stovies.
To our First aid crew again donating there time and an ambulance for free, I am glad you guys were there but much happier that you were not required.
To Pat Munroe who despite my forgetting to contact them until 2 days before the event, used their charitable foundation to supply and pay for our bins and disposal, and to Turner van hire, who supplied them a delivery vehicle to get the bins to us at the last minute, again all with no cost.
To piccalo press for designing and printing all our tickets and posters at no cost and last but buy no means least to our Door staff, who dispite the temperature dropping to well below freezing stood outside and kept us all safe, special mention to Mr David Dunbar for applying for our liquor licence and running the door, it would have been a dull night without your help.
Again to everybody who helped donated something came and spent money and danced the night away.
Thank you all so very much !!
#TeamHamish 🌈