Aerial view of Phase 2
I just had to share these FABULOUS aerial photos of the Phase 2 works! Really gives a feel for the terraced seating
And the Spashpad, which is being prepared for......
I just had to share these FABULOUS aerial photos of the Phase 2 works! Really gives a feel for the terraced seating
And the Spashpad, which is being prepared for......
In memory of his cousin Liam, Harley has challenged himself to skydive and fundraise for local charities: TeamHamish and the Nairn Men’s Shed – just fantastic! Please show your support......
We have been truly astounded by all of your unwavering support over the past 8 years enabling our Phase 2 project, which is now, as you can see from......
On this poignant day, I wanted to share another few photos of our Phase 2 works, now progressing at pace – the curved terrace seating edging being formed, and in......
It’s been both an exciting and very nerve-racking week But after just 4 days of works, the terraces for our Phase 2 seating are taking shape
It’s been a......
I just had to share these wonderful photos of the most beautiful sky over the Splashpad All courtesy of Kenny Macleod...
A huge THANK YOU to the great local business support for TeamHamish Recent raffles at Kinwell Pharmacy and Nairn Flower Shop raised the fantastic amount – £368.69!
Not forgetting the......
Merry Christmas THANK YOU so much for all of your WONDERFUL KINDNESS and GENEROSITY over the past year
I am ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to announce that after a long......
KinWell Pharmacy are very kindly running another raffle in support of TeamHamish Pop in for a ticket and chance to win!
Following the success of our birthday......
THANK YOU SO MUCH to the P3’s at Auldearn Primary They have raised an AMAZING £776.97 for
As a class project they came up with the idea......